
A Sense of Order

By Kids 'R' Kids

July 18, 2014
By the time a child is around 2-1/2 years old, she have been busy acquiring information, developing skills, and processing knowledge. In a very real sense, she is putting things in order in her mind. As she attempts to order her mental understanding of the world around her, it will help her greatly if she can find order in her immediate environment. A sense of order will also help to make a childs learning environment more predictable, which in turn will help her develop a greater sense of security and trust.

Many families cannot arrange their affairs in such a way that every object is always in its proper place or that every event always happens on schedule.


Here are some practical ideas for parents to create an orderly environment in the home:

  • Order your childs clothes: Have a special place for her clothes.

  • Order toys: Make boxes and shelves available for play things to be sorted and separated.

  • Order of space: If you have more than one child and limited area, decide what goes where.

  • Order of time: Teach your child the order of time by providing some regularity to her daily life.

  • Plan your meals at the same time each day: This helps your child become sensitive to time order so that she can learn to anticipate events.

  • Keep bedtime consistent: The sequence leading up to bedtime and a bedtime story help her to anticipate a happy experience.


    Such well-established habits will help make your youngsters days more predictable!



Kids RKids believes that happy, loved, connected children are destined for success in every facet of their lives. Our most cherished principle, Hug First, Then Teach,” defines every aspect of who we are at Kids RKids. When it comes to teaching, Kids RKids understands the importance of involving families with their childs developmental milestones and accomplishments. We hope you will drop by for a tour at one of our locations in the Houston area.  Find a school near you at